Thursday, June 7, 2012

Questions I've Been Asked


I thought that this might be an interesting thing to blog about...

...the MANY questions I get asked in a week.  Mostly by my children, but throw in there other questions from my husband and from friends and co-workers.

I would be curious to know how many it would add up to, if I were ever able to keep track.

All I can say is, I must seem like a person with a lot of answers. Ha, ha.

Here is a run-down of some of the more unusual questions I have been asked in the past week or two.

All of these came from my kids.

#1 -- Why does smoking kill people?
(I did what all good Moms would do. I googled it.  And then I explained about the many harmful chemicals in cigarettes and how they are like poison to your body.)

#2 -- Does it help you relax if you rub right here?  (Massaging temple area)
(I don't know, honey!  That depends on how stressed out you are.)  I didn't say that, but the funnier part of this story is that Kendall was eating a 3 Muskateers when he asked this question, so when he massaged his temples, he promptly smeared chocolate on both side of his forehead.    So then I laughed at him.

#3 -- What are we having for supper?
Derrick seems to be the most interested in this question.  He asks me this often.  I guess he just wants to know whether he should be looking forward to it or dreading the food I have so kindly prepared. 

#4 -- How did Noah organize the animals in the ark? 
This question largely had to do with the placement of the animals. Like, were they in rows or were they two by two or what?  I had to bow out on this one. I just had no idea.

#5 -- What is a callous?
(Have YOU ever tried to explain this to someone?  Not as easy as it sounds!)

#6 -- What is bird food made of? 
Umm...corn and sunflower seeds and who knows what else?

#7 -- Can you buy snow?
(The kids thought that maybe in Antarctica you could buy snow.  But I told them that I am pretty sure that NO ONE would pay for snow in Antarctica.  Maybe in Florida? Or the Mojave Desert?)

#8 -- How many hairs do you think you have on your head?
(I guessed 100,000.  I have NO clue if this is right or even close.  I should probably Google that.)

#9 -- Where are we going today?  Or the day after today?
Nicole drives me CRAZY with the questions about our upcoming plans.  She is constantly asking where we are going and what we are doing that day or the next day.  Once she can read, maybe I can just print her out a little schedule.  Or, in the fall, I can just say "School" every time she asks.  There, that'll take care of that.

#10 -- How many people did you hear swear tonight?
(This was after we were at my co-ed softball game and Kendall got in the van saying "Beep...Bleep...Beep..." so I said "Did you hear a lot of swearing tonight?" and he said "Not really" and when I said "Well, I did", he wanted to know how many people I had heard swear and what their names were.  I found that funny!)

Its no wonder I have little time to reflect upon the meaning of life.  I'm too busy answering a myraid of questions.

PS -- Coming up...a picture post and a re-cap of our trip to soon as I get a chance!
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