Wednesday, August 22, 2012

{Color} Purple

Isn't there a book called "The Color Purple"?  Or a movie? Or a Broadway show? Or something.

Just a minute. Let me Google it.

Ok. It is a novel. And a musical. And a movie.  When I read through the synopsis of the plot on Wikipedia, the story seemed really familiar to me.  Maybe I read that book once?  Or not.  Who knows.

Before I digress any further...

Pictures from my "purple" day.  Purple was my favorite color for many years.  Probably from early teens until my mid twenties, when all of a sudden, I realized that whenever someone asked me what my favorite color was, I said "Purple", kind of automatically. But it really wasn't anymore.  Red had somewhere along the way usurped purple as my favorite.  This was also around the same time that I realized that for years I had been saying that "I loved weddings" and then pretty much every wedding I went to I didn't love.  I found them boring.  And all so similar.  I came to terms with the fact that I actually didn't like weddings, after all.  And that fact remains to this day.  (I also am not a big fan of babies or puppies.  Just judge me now. Once and for all, and get it over with.)

That's part of growing older, isn't it?  You change.  You realize one day that something you used to believe, you don't anymore. Or something you thought you knew about yourself, you're no longer so sure about.

That is part of what purple represents to me.  Since you asked.  ;-)

Apparently, though, it is still one of my best-est colors, because a while ago my friend Morgan mentioned to me that it seems like I wear purple a lot.  I said "No, I really don't" but after that I started thinking about it every time I wore purple, and she was right. I DO wear purple a lot. 

Just for your viewing pleasure, I collected all of the purple (or purple striped) shirts in my closet and took a picture.


Two long sleeved vest...three t-shirts...three dressy tops.  All shades of purple.  As with most of the clothing in my closet, I can tell you the flaws of each of these pieces.  Too short.  Too tight. Too long. Doesn't go with much.  Doesn't quite look like me. This is a problem I have. I am highly critical of my clothing and of the body on which the clothing goes.  So I generally avoid wearing approximately 80% of the stuff in my closet.  Maybe I need to go on that "What not to wear" show and get me some quality pieces of clothing.

In honor of "purple" day, I wore one of these shirts.

I love this shirt, which I just bought at Rue21 for like, literally, $2.  Two is a tad long so I have to kind of bunch it up around my stomach...and it is a bit tight across the stomach so you can see my little muffin top. Which makes me super self-conscious and bugs the tar out of me!!  Right about now, you are thinking that maybe I need to attend some sort of classes to learn to accept my body. And you would probably be right.  It is one of my many issues.  Let's not try to narrow this down to being my biggest or only problem!

I also own this purple skirt that I bought a long time ago and have yet to wear. It still has the tags on it.

It is a shiny/slippery sort of material, but a super pretty color and I love the flower details along the bottom.

But every time I tried it on I feel like it makes me look "poufy" and my butt is sticking out behind me like a semi trailer.  I tried it on for the kids and asked them if it made my butt look big.  Yeah, I'm a classy Mom like that.  They all said "No" and I feel like they were sincere.  So I thought maybe I will give it another whirl this winter.  With my black boots and some grey tights, maybe?  When I told the kids that is what I was thinking of wearing it with, Derrick said that he thinks it looks weird when grown-up women wear tights and boots.  Maybe I should get a new fashion-consulting team?? Its just that the ones I have are free. And super honest.

I checked to see how many pairs of purple earrings I have.  It is three.  I wore the purple hoops with my outfit yesterday.

And now, lest you think that all I did yesterday was collect purple clothing out of my closet, go through my jewelry, and parade around the house in my poufy purple skirt...I will set you straight.

I also spent a couple of hours organizing my kids outgrown clothing so that I can sell it.  I got all of the boys clothing done yesterday and now I can sell my remaining 3T stuff and all of my 4T and 5T.  The girls pile looks more daunting, so I have not started on that yet.

I found this purple and yellow sweatshirt in with the boys' stuff. If you live in Wisconsin, it is practically a crime to be a Minnesota Vikings fan, yet we have one or two of them in our house.  Shhh! Don't tell the neighbors. People have had their houses TP'd for lesser crimes than this.  (just kidding. totally.)

Bee-balms. With a bee on them.  How fitting.  These flowers are really pretty, but they are almost over for the season. I have been noticing that the wildflowers are few and far between these days. I think that the nights are getting too cold for them to survive.  That makes me sad.  Have I mentioned how much I love summer and hot weather?  Well, now I am mentioning it again.

I had noticed these beautiful purple flowers growing in the ditch by our local animal park/zoo when I drove by in the morning.  I tried to photograph them while whizzing by at 50 miles per hour. That did not work out. At all. As a matter of fact, there was not one iota of purple on the picture I took.

But what did work out is that we were invited to the annual employee picnic at the park tonight (I do bookwork for the company) and so I got a second chance to photograph these flowers. Aren't they gorgeous?  The picture above this one is of a flower pot that they have sitting right outside their gift shop door at the park. So pretty too!

Other random purple:

Nicole's life jacket that she has used all summer.   Now hanging on the deck railing along with those beach towels that we might still need if we get a hot day around here.

A juicy plum.  Its what we had for our fruit at lunchtime.  Well, we didn't just have one to share. We had four of for each of us.

My water bottle. This pretty much goes everywhere with me. Years ago I started drinking lots of water (and also going to the bathroom more often!) and it has become such a habit. I am constantly taking my water bottle with me and sipping from it in between whatever else I am doing. In fact, it is here beside me as I type this blog post.

My bike and Nikki's bike. Nikki JUST learned to ride without training wheels about a week or two ago and now she is cruising all around. I am so proud of her!  Especially considering the fact that it probably took me a YEAR to ride my bike.  But maybe that had something to do with my trainer. It was my older brother, Loren, and one of his many methods of teaching me to ride bike was to put a toy dumptruck in the middle of our gravel driveway, and then push me towards it.  I was supposed to learn to steer that way.  Not to mention, our driveway was downhill and pretty short and led straight to the road.  We laugh about it today, but seriously??? Where were my parents when this was going on???

Our bikes always seem to collect in our front yard. All 4 (or something 5) of them.  I don't know why this always happens.  It just gives that red-neck appearance to a place when you drive in and see the bikes just scattered in the front yard.  But, maybe that fits us.  Who knows?

I hope you enjoyed the color purple.  I know I did.

Tomorrow's color:  Orange

And then we only have one color left after that.  Can you guess what it is?

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