Thursday, January 24, 2013

RWOTD {Lesson}

A Lesson I Never Forgot

Once upon a time, back before the days of cell phones and texting, there lived a teenage girl.

Now, this teenage girl had a tendency to like boys.  Quite a lot.

In fact, sometimes, spending time with boys was preferable to spending time with girls. 

There was, as is often the case, a certain boy that this girl had a small(ish) crush on.  He was a little older and quite handsome and the girl wondered if he even noticed her. 

But, sometimes they would hang out and talk and the girl would enjoy that very much.

One night, a group of friends, including this boy and girl, went to a local fast food restaurant and hung out for a while, chatting and having a good time.

Lo and behold, ten o'clock rolled around and the only people who remained, standing there talking in the parking lot, were this boy and this girl.

It was a cool evening, so the boy suggested they hop into his truck to chat.  This seemed like a good sign to the girl, so she agreed.

(Maybe you think you know where this is going, but you don't.  Believe me.)

That sat and chatted in the warmth of the truck cab for what seemed like a half hour, but in reality, the time was getting later and later and no one really saw any reason to leave a great conversation.

It may or may not have been around one in the morning, when, in the midst of a great discussion, the girl noticed a vehicle pulling up beside the truck she was sitting in.

Not thinking much of it at first glance, she soon realized, to her horror, that the vehicle that had pulled up belonged to her Dad.  And that now he was at her passenger's side window, requesting an audience with the teenage girl.

It seems as though the Dad had been waiting up for his teenage daughter to come home.  As the time got later and later and he couldn't sleep, he decided to get in his car and take a little drive.

It wasn't hard to find her, since she was still in the parking lot of the restaurant where he knew she had been earlier.

But, oh how the girl was mortally embarrassed!! To be tracked down by your Dad and told to "Get home immediately" while in the presence of a boy whom she liked very much.  Now that was humiliating.

Although I can tell you this.  It was a lesson she never forgot.  And she never stayed out in trucks with boys past mid-night again. 

At least not without first letting her Dad know where she was.

**Names have been changed to protect privacy.  Although some sisters or sister-in-laws of "the boy" may read my blog and put two and two together! 
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