Tuesday, October 9, 2012

RWOTD {Other}

I have been frustrated by this fact lately:  Blogging is a double-edged sword.

What I love about blogging is that it is public and lots of people read what you write and can give input on it.

What I hate about blogging is that it is public and lots of people read what you write and can give input on it.

See what I mean?

I have SO many things I want to write about.  Struggles, questions, thoughts, ideas, and facts.

But one by one, I cross things off of the list because it is either too personal or I know of someone (or more than one person) who reads my blog and would be offended by what I write, because it involves them in some way and if they figure that out, I am probably putting myself in an unwise position. Plus, it would be rude.

So a lot of things are left swirling in my brain like fall leaves in the gusty wind.

And I feel frustrated by that.

But, in an effort to let go of things I can't control, I will move on to writing about something that I CAN write about.


The random word of the day is "other".  Which, now that I think about it, kind of ties in to what I wrote above.  When I can't write about certain subjects, I find some OTHER subject to write about.

Lately there was a discussion among my friends and we were talking about choices.

She said that whenever we say "Yes" to a certain choice we are saying "No" to something else.

At first I disagreed.  Because some choices seem very inconsequential to me and don't seem like the kind of thing where you are really saying "Yes" to one thing and "No" to another.

But, she pointed out that, for instance, if you wear blue pants, then you are saying "No" to red. And every other color, for that matter. If you choose an angry response, you haven't chosen a kind response.  If you decide to drink coffee, then you are probably not drinking tea as well.

If you choose to eat cake, you aren't eating cookies.  Wait a minute!!!  I think I found the loophole. You can totally eat cake. And cookies. And pie.  And cupcakes

Maybe then what you are saying "No" to is being healthy!  Ha, ha.

We have a lot of choices every day.  We can go one way or the OTHER.

Not choosing this often means we choose that instead.

A lot of these choices are small and fairly meaningless, but a lot of them are not.

The things we choose to think about.  The conversations we have.  The type of lifestyle we lead.  It all adds up to the sum of who we are.  Over time, we build our parameters through which we view life.  We have a reputation with others.

So, next time you are just acting on instinct or choosing what seems obvious or natural, think about the other choices that you have.  Think about how choosing one way automatically means you are not choosing the other way.

Choosing the other way might make all of the difference in the world!!
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