Thursday, September 20, 2012

RWOTD {Eight}

Eight -- The number of dollars I spent (almost) on donuts & hot chocolate, cappucino, and chocolate milk this morning.

I told the kids that if they get ready on time, we would have a (VERY) special treat of donuts for breakfast! Mostly because, this Mama had decided that was going to be her treat for the week.  Cream filled long-johns...mmm, mmm, mmm.  You see, "What Mama want, Mama get".  That's my new saying. Borrowed from a good friend. 

Suprisingly, the kids were totally on board with this plan and were ready to hit the road in almost no time. After we got the donuts and were driving towards school, Nikki said in an excited voice "We've NEVER done this before!!"

Eight -- The number of pieces of clothing in the outfit I am wearing today (if you count socks as one piece)


Is it sad that I have been waiting a month or two for colder weather so I could wear this skirt that I got at Kohls?  And, I broke out my boots for the first time.  I kinda love them.

And yeah, if you are trying to count the pieces, yes, my undergarments are part of the total!

Eight -- The average between the number of minutes that Derrick claimed that it took me to walk the younger kids into school today while he waited in the truck (10) and the actual number of minutes it took me to walk the kids into school (6)

Eight -- Approximate number of minutes that I waited in the lunch room, awkwardly chatting with an electrician, as two young guys sat at the break table in complete silence, before our maintenance guy came and unlocked the office door for me.  ;-(

Eight -- Number of guys I have talked with at work today.  Tom, Herb, Chris, Dan, Ron, Jim, Garry, truck driver #1, mailmain, truck driver #2 (oops. Guess that's ten. Well, I'd say then that I am over my quota for the day.)

Eight -- Hours of sleep I need each night to function as a responsible adult.  Hours of sleep I got last night? At least 8 1/2

Eight -- The time of day yesterday when I sat in my "reading chair" in my quiet house and sipped my coffee and read my Bible and another book and prayed.  Ahhh...refreshing!!

Eight -- Approximate number of small blue salamanders that we found while out throwing firewood last night (They like to hide under the pieces of wood.)  We put the whole family together and Kendall moved them to a new home in another wood pile.

Eight (hundred) -- Pounds of junk that I need to haul to the dump this afternoon when I am done with work.  (Maybe slightly exaggerted.)  I am SO excited about getting out there and throwing junk out of our trailer in my dressy work clothes.  Oh, yes, I am!!  Wish me luck.
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