Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Pretzels & Glasses & Scarves

(Oh, my word. Where did I go wrong with a title like that?? When there is no cohesion to your post, you can either title it "random" or be even more weird and call it "Pretzels and Glasses and Scarves". Which is just kind of downright scary!)

It is one of those days where I am just not "feeling it" as much as I do sometimes.

I love to feel inspired when I write. I love to feel passionate and engaged with what I am writing about.

But do you just wait for those days when you feel that way and write then?  Or do you keep on writing even when you don't "feel like it" as much?

I am not sure, but I do know that on the "12 1/2 Rules of Writing" it says this:  "If you write every day, you get better at writing every day."  I believe this.  So write I will.

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I fell off of the "no sugar, no white flour" wagon with a loud thump on Sunday.

Jeremy was gone for most of the day helping a friend with a siding project.  I was home with the kids. We didn't go to church.  It was one of the most restful Sundays I have had in a while.  Go figure.

I was totally in the baking and food making mood.

I thought and thought about what I was MOST hungry for.  I allow my one treat per week and when you only have one treat per week, then you want to make darn sure it is worth it.

I pulled out cookbooks and sat on the floor looking through them.  I wanted to make some sort of an apple crisp with caramel but we were out of caramel.  So I just settled for a regular apple crisp.

I also decided to veer away from the normal "frozen pizza" Sunday night supper and make some cheese and bacon potato rounds and have them with leftover meatballs.

Somewhere in between all of that I decided to make soft pretzels.  I am not exactly sure how that happened.

I mixed them up, let them rise, punched them down (I have no idea why you have to do that with yeast stuff...I don't understand the science of it...I just do it!), and let them rise again.  And then the kids helped me roll them out. 

That was a process in itself.  We were supposed to make the ropes of dough 20" long and so we got out the tape measure to check how we were doing with each one.  We had enough of dough for 11 pretzels and a teeny one that Kendall wanted to make.  Then we did the whole "boil them in baking soda water" thing as instructed, and I put them in the over to bake and set the timer and went downstairs to the computer.

Next thing I know, Nikki is yelling that the timer went off and I came up to a smell of burnt pretzels.  It had said to bake "12 - 14" minutes and I had set the timer for 12 or 13 minutes, and yet they were burned!! I was a little frustrated. I should have stayed up there and watched them, I guess.  Just the bottoms were burned, so we salvaged everything we could and dipped them in some nacho cheese sauce and they were SO yummy! 

I don't know how many I ate.

And then later I had some awesome apple crisp (warmed up) with vanilla ice cream. It was heavenly.  My "one treat" turned into 2 and then some. And now I owe my friend Lisa more money! ;-)  I feel like it was worth it.

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(Since nothing came up when I searched for "soft pretzel burned" on Pinterest, we'll just go with this picture)

I am wearing my glasses right now because my contacts have been irritating my eyes. This seems to happen periodically and I have to give my eyes a rest from my contacts for a while and then they are fine again.

I hate how I look in glasses. I think it brings  my "how pretty is she" average down by about 3 points.  And there isn't that much there to work with in the beginning.

What looks even worse than wearing glasses?  Wearing your glasses with the stems on the OUTSIDE of your ears while sitting at your desk at work. Because you hardly ever wear your glasses and they hurt your ears.

(Classy, isn't it?)

Somewhere in there I switched to writing about myself in the third person. Or is the second person?  Whatever. Sometimes I feel like if I was three people that would help a lot!! One could take care of the housework while the other one read all day and the third one could hang out with friends.  And at night we could all meet back up and drink margaritas and report on what we learned.  All 3 of us like margaritas. I do not find that to be coincidental.

Yesterday one of my friends posted on Facebook that she did a reading speed test on her son for their homeschool. And then she said that she took the test too. 

When I read something like that I feel SO compelled to see what score I would get on a reading test.  So I took a few.  And apparently I read between 400 - 450 words per minute but my comprehension is only about 50%.  Which knocks off quite a few points. 

Here's the thing:  When I am reading a book I skim parts and I don't retain nearly all the details of the story because it is not all important to me.  I just want to get the main theme and the parts that I find particularly interesting I spend more time on.  It works for me.

Stupid comprehension tests anyway.

Speed Reading - American Speed Reading

Whenever I wear a scarf, I feel like a dork.  I don't know why.  It just seems out of place on me. Even though I love how scarves look on other people.  When I have one on, I just feel like it needs to come off. But since the scarf is hiding a very low neckline I feel like I should probably keep in on. I have a fairly large collection of pretty scarves that I hardly ever wear cuz I just feel weird in them.  Does anyone else have this problem?

Plus, the word "scarf" is just strange. Especially if you say it ten times really fast.  And...it can either mean a pretty piece of material that you wear around your neck or...it can mean "to eat foot really fast and sloppily."  Tell me. What do these two have in common?

On the upside, I at least don't look like I have a giant, possibly poisonous snake around my neck.

Weeks ago already I was given the word "hurried" as my random word of the day. Right about the time the "color" theme came up.

I have been thinking about a post on this ever since but I really don't have enough to write about it to make it an interesting post.

Because what I want to write about "hurried" basically boils down to something my husband said in our Sunday school class about a month ago.

He said that if you actually have time to talk with people as you go about your daily business, you will be surprised how many people really want to talk if someone will just have a listening ear.

I have been thinking about this a lot. And how so often I DON'T have time to stop and talk and/or listen.

I am considering taking a day where I will be in public at least part of the day and planning to talk/listen to anyone who wants to, for as long as they want to.  I am wondering what I might learn? 

That's all I have to say about that.

Later, gator.
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