Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Now that's awkward...

Turning the ordinary into the awkward...
one episode at a time!

Awkward...channeling your inner Buddah in the back seat of the pickup.
He was also making the "Hmmm" sounds to go along with it.

Meditation at it's finest.  How could you not feel inner peace while
sandwiched between your two siblings in the back seat?

Awkward...The Barbie Threesome.
Isn't it clear to the black haired beauty in the
purple dress that curly haired Ken and Miss
Blondie are going hot and heavy and aren't
too interested in a third party coming on the scene?

Double awkwardness...the expression on
my son's face.  Maybe all that kissing was
getting to him!

Awkward...Delivering firewood in the rain.
By the time we got done with our 5th drop-off,
the back of my sweatshirt was soaked, I was
freezing, my jeans were wet, and I was trying
to keep from complaining too much.

Jeremy said something like "Your attitude
determines your altitude" and I was controlled
enough not to throw a bundle of firewood at him.

We stopped at Menards and I bought a $3.99
raincoat. Well, I think the word "coat" would be
a bit of a stretch.  It was a "one size fits all" and I
am pretty sure 3 of me could have fit inside of it.

My sweatshirt was hanging up to dry in the truck.

I just kind of felt like something THIS awkward
deserved its own full length picture.  I got a lot
of looks, but I'm pretty sure that they weren't
along the lines of "Wow! She's hot!"

Although Jeremy, bless his heart, did say that I
should label this post "RCH", which apparently
should stand for "Rain Coat Hottie"

Ha, ha, ha, ha.

Awkward...Me spotting a cute little
red squirrel out by the bird feeder and excitedly
saying "Hey, there's a squirrel at the feeder!!"

My intention was for the kids to come and watch
that cute little guy with me.  One problem: a lot of
people in my family (say, maybe all of them but me)
prefer to kill squirrels instead of watching them.

Jeremy grabs the gun and I go into full panic
mode...clapping my hands and yelling out the
kitchen window at the squirrel
"Run, squirrel.  RUN!!!"

Thankfully, he did.

I don't care that the rest of the family missed out on
a spectacular Memorial Day kill.

I saved that little guys life.

Next time, I'll just watch him in silence.

Awkward...Shopping at Wal-Mart and noticing a fellow shopper
standing by the cantelopes, picking them up one by one, and
sniffing them right by the part where the stem used to be.

That was awkward enough. But, just as I was walking
past him, a fellow shopper (I never could figure out if he was
with guy #1 or just was so curious he HAD to walk up to
him and ask) came up to Mr. Cantelope Sniffer and said
something like "What the heck are you doing?"

I couldn't help myself. I had to get involved.
I said "I was wondering the same thing myself. I saw
you sniffing the cantelopes too."

Mr. Cantelope Sniffer proceeded to explain to me
that this is the way that you can tell if a cantelope is
ripe. And then, right there in the Wal-Mart produce
section, with Guy #2 and my daughter looking on, he
MADE me sniff not one, but two cantelopes.  And sure
enough, you CAN tell a different in the smell between the
ripe and non-ripe ones.

I asked him if this also works on watermelons, but alas,
apparently not. 

The level of excitement he exhibited as he was explaining
to me the wonder that is cantelope sniffing could certainly
earn him the "awkwardness of the week" award.

If only there was such a thing!

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  1. I don't think I've commented on your new blog yet. You're blog name keeps grabbing my attention, and I keep thinking that my name would have to be The Introvert In-something. I can't think of the IN word I want!

    I had to think of you this morning when I am still a little frightened by the dream I had just before I awakened. I was standing in front of the closet and there was literally nothing that fit me, except maybe 1 very stained dress. It was such a horrifying feeling, and while it's a fact that I don't have a very good selection of summer dresses, I was glad to realize it wasn't true. Anyway, had to think from all you've said that an empty closet probably isn't a problem for you! Don't know why I thought of you. Maybe it was the post that talked about things walking out of the store because they know they would look good on you.

    Well, as long as you have such a dashing raincoat, I guess you have 1/2 of your wardrobe figured out already! ;)

    I had to laugh about you rescuing that squirrel. What did Jeremy have to say about that?

    Who knows, you may have started a wave of shoppers across the country sniffing canteloupes. :)

  2. Hi Aug,
    Catching up on your blog, which is what I tend to do with my favorite bloggers who aren't on xanga. I save them for a while and then read them all in a lump.

    You are so hilarious! About the cantaloupe sniffing, I had a good friend from South Africa who told me that trick ages ago. But if I ever get brave enough to try it, I make sure NO one is watching. :)

    So glad you saved that squirrel.

    And I've been thinking more about your blog switch and the comment issue for you. It might be partly just the time of year too. I know that xanga seems really dead lately (and I've done little myself to liven it up), so besides your blog switch you have summer busyness against you too. :( For some people, summer doesn't change their schedules much, but it's been so wild around here and I feel really behind and unfriendly with my commenting. And then when I do have time I feel out of the loop and have nothing intelligent to say. Have a good day, friend. ~Luci~


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