Sunday, May 27, 2012

The "Awww" Factor

Jeremy has been struggling with an {undisclosed} medical issue for the past week or so.  It has been quite painful and our whole family knew about the issue and the effects it was having on him.

Thursday evening after we got home, Jeremy was lying on the couch resting.  Nikki came up to me and said "Mom.  How do you write 'I like Daddy cuz his belly hurts'?"

I said "Nikki, don't you mean that you want to write 'I like Daddy and I feel sad that his belly hurts'?"

But she insisted that the wording she has chosen was EXACTLY what she wanted to write in her little love note to Daddy.

No logic could dissuade her, so I decided to just go with it.

I wrote her phrase of choice on a sticky note and she lay down on the kitchen floor to copy it out for her Dad.

(My sparkly high heels were what she was clomping around in just before she started her project. She said she needed to take them off so she could lay down better.)

She finished it up and drew little rainbows in the corners and then proudly presented her note to her Daddy.  It made my heart go "Aww..."

Jeremy properly thanked her and hugged her and added this note to his collection on his dresser.

Don't tell me that doesn't make you go "Aww" too!
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  1. Very sweet...hope Jeremy feels better soon.
    Happy Memorial Day. =)

  2. Oh yeah, it's me, Liz...I'm anonymous!


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