Wednesday, March 20, 2013


I wrote this poem out a very dark place in early December.  I have had it sitting here in my unpublished posts for over 3 months, afraid to let it see the light of day. 

But I feel like God is saying now is the day to share it.  Maybe it can help someone else who is struggling, even if it just lets you know that you are not alone in the struggle. 

I thank God I am not in this place anymore.  There is hope!  But I can't say I'll never be there again.  Life is hard.  Pain is real.  But God is greater!


Running scared,
Chased by fears.
Hiding my pain
without any tears.

Many thoughts,
all a mess.
Wanting more,
but getting less.

Someone to say,
you're safe with me.
I'm not afraid
of what you might be.

The Voice keeps
chanting in my head.
Years of decisions,
where have they led?

Looking for shelter
from the storm.
Some place where
I am safe and warm.

I feel lost in a
city with no roads.
Pushing buttons but
still can't find the code.

Wanting answers,
looking for clues.
All is at stake,
yet nothing to lose.

Feeling so broken
and empty inside.
Wishing my scars
weren't so easy to hide.

Am I more fucked up
than all the rest?
Or are they just
putting forth their best?

My cry echoes
up towards the sky,
silence meets my
questions.  Why?
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