Thursday, February 14, 2013

{What We Wore}

I had started a category on my blog called "What We Wore" but I haven't been posting much on there lately.

When I was working on my blog the other day, I was reminded and inspired to post in that vein a little more often.

The "we" in "What We Wore" is Nikki and I.  At least generally.

My boys dress very boring.  Wind pants (or whatever the proper term is for those kind of pants) and a long sleeved t-shirt. I do not have any preppy boys in my family!

So, yesterday Nikki and I took a couple of pictures in front of the library.

She was really crabby but when I asked her if I could take her picture, after an initial grumpy "NO!" she brightened up and got all happy.  That girls loves clothes just like I do!

See...she ever smiled for the picture

These grey boots of her are so dang cute. I wish I had a pair for myself.

This outfit she wouldn't wear for most of the school year, and then all of a sudden it became a favorite for some unknown reason. Now, it is in her weekly rotation and I think it is adorable!

Also, one of Nikki's most recent drawings...

This is a chalk drawing she did at school.  I ♥ it!

This is a snowman, according to Nikki. With pink wings.  I don't ask questions, I just listen to the explanation and say encouraging words.
 And then there is my outfit from yesterday.

You want to hear a confession?  I am also wearing this outfit today.  I didn't wear it ALL day yesterday and the same people won't see me today. Plus, I felt really good in this, so I thought "Why not?" 

Is that super weird?

I know it looks like I am leaning really weird on this picture, but I am pretty sure it is the angle from which the pint-size photographer took the picture.
I bought this little tunic/dress at my friend Morgan's store (The Scarlet Poppe) a week or so ago.

I just paired it with some basics.  Black leggings.  Black boots. Black belt.  Black long sleeved shirt.

And my grey socks. I like those!


I have noticed lately that my default facial expression is a wrinkled brow and a sort of straight lipped look. As if I am trying to figure out all of the questions and complexities of life  Which is exactly what I AM trying to do.

It is exhausting!

I spent some time yesterday texting with a friend and talking to God about why I cannot seem to learn to rest and feel peace.

I don't have a lot of answers, but I did feel like God gave me some guidance.  And a measure of peace.

You see, what "we wore" can be more than our clothing, for sure.  It can be the expression on our face, which probably makes more of an impact than our clothing anyway.  So I want to be aware of my expression and what it is portraying!
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  1. i am glad to see you "read each and every one"- it actually spurred me on to leave a comment, i think!
    i had to laugh at this comment "I don't ask questions, I just listen to the explanation and say encouraging words." from you... me too!
    and i had to laugh at your last picture with the analytical look. it is so you- but i wouldn't worry about it. (no pun intended!) i like you that way- it's what makes you more interesting than other people!

  2. So many things to comment on....first, I knew I was behind, but seriously? I didn't even know you had another blog until I happened to see this link on fb. I may (or may not) manage to crawl out of the stone ages someday. Two, I love the dress ... the print speaks happiness, I think. That worry expression ..... sometimes you almost scare me with how much you do things just like me. ;) I have worry lines from scrunching above my eyes exactly like that, only I think mine are bigger. But seriously, I can't even stop it! I think it must be a bad habit I picked up when I WAS under a ton of stress and now it's become my norm. I hate it. Sometimes I feel relaxed and catch my face in the mirror and I'm like, grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. So here a hands full of wishes for rest sent your way ... including your eyebrow muscles. :)

  3. I'm glad someone else wears the same outfit 2 days sometimes when they are still clean and the same people won't see them.. :) I love Nikki's striped tights. Cute.


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