Tuesday, October 2, 2012

You know you blog too often when...

In case anyone was wondering, I have now published 50 blog posts over at my new blog site http://extrovertexpounds.blogspot.com/

But, since my faithful blog readers are only faithful if I put my posts on Xanga (no, I'm not bitter about this, it just is what it is), my blogspot just sits here. Unread.  Until the day when I *maybe* become a talented enough writer that no matter where I write, people will read.  I'm not holding my breath.

Anyway, I've been thinking about something.

I've been blogging for about 7 years.  I have no idea how many blog posts I have written in that time, but I would guess it is close to a thousand.  For a while there, I was blogging every day.  And even now, I would say I end up blogging at least two (maybe three) times a week.

Suffice it to say that blogging is definitely a part of my life and my routine.

But sometimes, it can get in the way of real life.

I've compiled a list to explain what I mean.

It is aptly titled...

"You Know You Blog Too Often When..."

...you are in the midst of an experience, maybe even a somewhat emotional one, and WHILE you are feeling/thinking whatever it is, you are forming sentences in your mind to describe what you are experiencing. Potentially for a future blog post.  Seriously.  That is just so strange and totally takes away from the current experience. And yes, this happens to me with a somewhat alarming frequency.

...you want to make sure to take plenty of pictures at an event so that you can do a complete blog post about it.  Two pictures wouldn't be enough.  Thankfully, I don't nearly always think of this, which says to me that maybe sometimes I am actually enjoying myself enough that I am not thinking about the future.

...when you are writing a post, you smile to yourself because you wonder what so and so will think of what you wrote.  You maybe even picture them laughing or smiling or you imagine in your head what their comment response might be.

....every time you have a deep thought you are like "Whoa! Dude! Hold it right there.  This I recognize as profound. I should totally blog about this."

....you actually have some "notes" set up in your I-phone for when you encounter random thoughts or experiences that you don't want to forget to blog about.  You may even have various notes with different headings.  Thankfully, you can you say that you don't use these obsessively.  Just occasionally.

...sometimes, when you are talking to your husband about a problem or question you are dealing with, he says "Why don't you ask your blog peeps about it?"  (Or something along those lines.)  He has also been known to make sarcastic comments along the lines of "Why don't you just blog about it??"  when I am upset about something.

...fairly often you run into people who make comments about your blog and sometimes you find yourself referencing your blog in conversations.  Like, as you begin to tell a story, you say "Oh, well, I don't know if you already read this on my blog?", since you don't want to repeat yourself if they have. This generally leads to an awkward moment because if the person hasn't read your blog, you can tell they feel apologetic about that. As if the fact that reading my blog isn't #1 on their priority list would make them a bad friend.  When I see the negative response coming, I generally quickly head it off with "Oh, that's TOTALLY fine" and then continue with my story.

...a friend says she was about to call you and see if you were ok because "she hasn't seen a blog post lately and you haven't been on Facebook much."

...you often find yourself scanning your mind for new blog ideas or you find yourself writing posts in your head. Some never get further than your head, but boy, is there some GOOD stuff in there!!

...people who you only know online are friends. Not just online friends either. But real friends. Like you might refer to them in a conversation and say something like "Yeah, my friend _____ says that Buttpaste stuff really worked to clear up her daughter's diaper rash."

...you sometimes try to quit blogging for a while, but you miss the interaction and you miss the writing.  Apparently, a break is actually not "what the doctor ordered."

Do you have any to add?  Can you fellow bloggers relate?
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