Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Let's Talk Earrings

Some days, as a blogger, you tackle serious subjects.

And then other days, you write about earrings! 

Not that I am not passionate about earrings.  Don't get me wrong. 

I have quite a collection!

Especially since I only got my ears pierced less than 5 years ago, at the ripe old age of 29 or 30.

Earrings are definitely my favorite type of jewelry.

Above necklaces or bracelets or rings.

I have this earrings holder (which I think I have shown on my blog before) that holds about 96 pairs of earrings.

By process of counting how many empty holes there are on the whole things, I have calculated that I own right about 75 pairs of earrings.

That number was even a bit shocking to me!

Rather than try to show you my whole collection (other than this picture), I thought I would just show you the last 5 pairs of earrings I have bought.  Probably all within the last 3 weeks or so.

I bought these at Maurice's for a couple of dollars.  $2.99 I think.  The bottom part is actually clear, but it looks red because the background is red.

I found these at Old Navy over the weekend.  Again, $2.99.  That is one thing that I love about earrings. How cheap you can get them.  These are nice and thick/heavy too. They seem to be made pretty well.

I like these so well that I planned my whole outfit around them today.  Yes, sometimes I do that. Plan my outfit around my earrings.  Hey, its a place to start and this girl needs all the help she can get!

My only wish was that it was summer so that I could wear my red peep-toe high heels with this outfit.  That would have made me happy.

These were a splurge.  I had a $10 coupon for Maurice's but you can only use it on a single item.  Since I generally buy things ON SALE there and they cost maybe $6 or $7 a piece, I decided to just pick out some jewelry that was $10 or more and get it free with my coupon.  I found these, which I love!  All of the little bars hang individually so they swing back and forth.

It really IS the small things in life, right?

These I bought at Spencer's over the weekend.  They were having a deal where you buy one piece of jewelry and you get another one for a dollar!!  I bought Jeremy and cross necklace and then I had to pick something out for myself!  I really like these earrings, so it was totally worth the trip into that store!  (PS -- Don't think I don't think you were all like "What was she doing in Spencer's?" --- Let me just say this...going into that store will bring out the prude in you.  There are too many things to try to avert your eyes from, all the while trying not to notice what OTHER people are looking at.) 

I found these at Goodwill for $2.99 -- Aren't they just unique?
Does anyone notice a theme in the last 5 pairs of earrings I bought??

Bonus points for you if you notice it!

So there you have it...the update you have all been waiting for.  Ha, ha.
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