Friday, June 29, 2012

5 Minute Friday {Dance}

I am linking up with Gypsy Mama again today for her "5 Minute Friday" where you write about the designated subject for 5 minutes. Unedited and no overthinking allowed.


First off, a bit of humor.

My husband read this to me from a friend's Facebook status recently:

"Dance as if no one watching.  Or...just stop dancing in public, you freak!"

I found that pretty hilarious!

Since I don't know much of anything about the actual dancing and since I am a somewhat clumsy and uncoordinated person who couldn't even master a dancer-cize (thinking dancing and exercise and an instructor who was WAY too flexible and coordinated) class a few years back, I thought I would write about something that I can relate to a bit more.

The dance of marriage.

I think of that old John Michael Montgomery song "Life's a learn as you go...sometimes you lead...sometimes you follow...don't worry about what you don't's a learn as you go."

Beautiful song. Even more beautiful words. 

I think the words of that song relate to marriage.  At least for me.

My husband and I have been dancing for 13 years and sometimes it feels like we are right in perfect rhythm and our feet are in perfect timing, and then other times it feels like all we are doing is stepping on each other's feet and tripping all over ourselves.

In a dance, there needs to be a clear leader, I am told.  Can that leader switch off from time to time?

I wonder.

It feels like there are times when I am the one leading...saying "Hey, is everything OK with us...and what can we do to get things back on track" and then sometimes he is the leader.  The strong and confident one.  The one who says "I believe in us and I'm willing to do what it takes to make our marriage stronger and better."

We are partners in this dance of life.  Of marriage.

But what about when the steps get off and everything seems all wrong and awkward?

How can we get things back into that perfect harmony? 

I don't know.  I certainly don't have all of the answers.

But I do know that "Life's a learn as you go" and maybe that's where the joy and the wisdom is to be found.

In the mutual learning.

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  1. My husband often says marriage - or any relationship for that matter - is a dance. Sometimes we get our toes stepped on, sometimes we can't find the beat, sometimes I'd rather lead than follow. But sometimes? Sometimes we glide across the stage in a dance that looks effortless to those who watch from a distance. But always? Always, there was practice before that perfect dance.

  2. Hmmm.. interesting.
    My husband and I have been stepping on each other's toes for the last 8 years.
    One of us ALWAYS fighting to lead.
    Interesting perspective.. Thank you!


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